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Writer's pictureKen Hatherley

Timing is everything

Updated: Aug 23, 2018

Classic stopwatch in hand
Timing is Everything!

Ladies and gentleman, how late is too late when arriving for a wedding ceremony?

Nine times out of ten, wedding invitations are sent out well in advance, advertising the venue, date and time.

Start times can vary, say at 11AM, 4PM, 5PM or even 6:30PM, and traditionally for the bride to arrive a tad late.

Yet a weird phenomenon occurs time and time again

The guests, who aren’t privy to all the dramas and anxious moments of the bridal party, for some strange reason are quite often arriving after the ceremony has begun and often missing the bridal entry of the ceremony. Often embarrassed, they can be seen scurrying to the back of the chapel, the look on their faces is priceless. Often the excuse given “The traffic was horrendous” or I have even overheard “Oh my God! we could not find the joint.” Perhaps allowing an extra half hour for traffic snarls, reviewing the Melways the night before or even the use of a GPS may be of assistance.

On the other side of the coin

when brides arrive 30 minutes, or sometimes longer after the scheduled time, I think to myself “Jeepers, I can only hope the beer and wine for the reception arrives on time, otherwise I’m sure there would be an uproar with the waiting guests”.

What I find comical is that guests may have been standing around waiting half hour prior to the ceremony, making an effort to not disappoint the bride and groom. An hours wait is like a scene out of the TV show “My Kitchen Rules,” with the guests waiting patiently for their main course to be served.

Time waits for no one

Why is it that weddings can often lose their shine when a few attendees have no regard to the boundaries of time that govern the events to follow? Weddings ceremonies that go overtime naturally have a flow on effect, from the photographers capturing the happy snap of the bride and groom in daylight, to the Amount of reception time that is available or the havoc in the kitchen to the DJ.

Wedding celebrants too, must respect and value the importance of the tick, tick, tick of the clock. I reckon if there was a million dollars rewarded to people being on time, then timing would mean everything.

Must go now, as the kettle is on and it’s time for a coffee.

Cheers for now.


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